Information about the Alpha IP app

We would like to inform you that we have discontinued support for our Alpha IP App. From now on we recommend that you use the official Homematic IP app for your Homematic IP products.

There are more informations here.

Privacy Policy

Thank you for your visit to our web pages and interest in our company. Maintaining the security of your data is a priority for us. The following information on data protection explains the purposes for and extent to which we capture or process your personal data when you use our web pages and how we protect your privacy if you provide us with your data.

Möhlenhoff GmbH (Museumstr. 54a, 38229 Salzgitter, Germany, phone: + 49 (0)53 41 / 8475-0, fax: + 49 (0)53 41 / 8475-999, e-mail: Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.) is the operator of these web pages and, as the body responsible for such websites, as specified in art. 4 section 7 of the DS-GVO [General Data Protection Regulation], is responsible for compliance with the current data protection legislation. We save and process our users’ personal data in compliance with current regulations, in particular with Germany’s Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DS-GVO) or [Data Protection Regulation], the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz or BDSG [Federal Data Protection Act] and the Telemediagesetz – TMG [German Telemedia Act] in the versions currently valid. Any personal data is only captured for specific, distinct and legal purposes and not stored longer than necessary.

Personal data
Personal data includes individual details of personal or material relationships of a certain natural person, or natural person to be named (e.g. the name, data of birth and contact info).

Web pages
In principle, you can use our web pages without furnishing any personal data. However, you might have to forward your data to us to use our web pages in a particular manner. Therefore, restrictions in the usage of our web pages might occur if you do not furnish us with your data. As soon as you visit our web pages, our web servers will temporarily store your access data in a log file each time. In the process, the following data can be captured and stored until it is automatically deleted: such data includes the IP address, the date and time of access, data transmitted, reports on successful access of the web pages, data identifying the browser and operating systems used, the website from which access was initiated, as well as the IP address of your internet access provider. This data is processed to enable usage of the web pages, ensure system security, technical administration of the network infrastructure, optimise the internet offering and is considered a justified interest as specified in art. 6, section 1, sentence 1, lit. f. DS-GVO.

Other types of data capture
We capture, store and process your personal data (for example first name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number) in so far as a business relationship with us exists or is to be initiated, for example due to a subscription or an order, or if such data is required to define or alter the business relationship. Furthermore, we use your personal data, in so far as you have sent us such data to register on our website and have consented to processing of your personal data. We also capture, store and process your personal data if you access us via send us an e-mail, in so far as such data is required to deal with your enquiries and correspondence. The personal data we capture is deleted immediately as soon as it is no longer required for such purpose, unless statutory periods of retention apply. You provide your personal data on a voluntary basis.

Data security
We have taken extensive in-company technical and organisational security measures to protect the data transmitted by you from unauthorised access or fraud by third parties. Such measures comply with the stringent legal stipulations required by national regulations and are constantly amended to reflect the state of the art.
Persons affected:
As a person affected you have the following rights vis à vis Möhlenhoff GmbH in line with art. 15 to 22 DS-GVO:
• The right to be informed about personal data
• The right to have personal data corrected or deleted
• The right to restrict processing of personal data
• The right to appeal against processing of personal data
• The right to data portability
Furthermore, you can complain to a data protection authority about our processing of personal data.
You can revoke any consent to usage of personal data at any time. To do so, please send an e-mail to Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.. You can also do so by post or fax.

Web page analysis
To enhance our web pages’ content and offerings and to carry out statistical analyses, various technical programs are used to record data on users’ behaviour on the web pages – also in anonymised form. For this purpose, data, for example on clicks, the time spent on the platform, system settings and user origin, is collected by using analysis software cookies in the form of text files. Cookies are stored on your computer for these analyses. This data can be stored on the analysis tool operator’s servers. The data captured is not used to identify the user personally and not amalgamated with other personal data belonging to the user. You can prevent cookies from being installed by making the appropriate setting in your browser. However, we would like to point out that in such case you might be unable to use all this website’s functions in its entirety. In the following section we will present the analysis tools we use in detail. The following analysis tools are used on our web pages for this purpose:

Google Analytics
We use Google Inc.’s Google Analytics method to analyse our web pages. The information generated via the Google Analytics cookie is usually transmitted to one of Google’s servers in the US and stored there. The IP address sent by Google Analytics from your browser will not be combined with other Google data. The IP addresses will also only be processed in a truncated form. As a result, the IP addresses cannot be linked to a particular individual. Our web pages use Google Analytics with the _anonymizelp extension. As a result, IP addresses are processed in a truncated form and cannot be linked to a particular individual.
You can prevent the capture and processing of your data by the Google Analytics cookie by installing the following browser plug-in:
Company: GOOGLE INC.,1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
You can find more information about this web analysis tool at: and in Google’s privacy policy

Integrating, updating and changing the Privacy Policy
In using our web pages, you are giving consent to usage of data in the above-mentioned way. The Privacy Policy is dated from 22 May 2018 and currently valid. We might need to change this Privacy Policy to reflect the ongoing development of our web pages or implementation of new technologies. Möhlenhoff GmbH therefore reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time to take effect in the future. Therefore, you should visit this website regularly to find out up to date information about our Privacy Policy.

Contact info for Möhlenhoff GmbH’s data protection officer:
c/o Anna Bauer 
Christian-Pommer-Str. 23
D-38112 Braunschweig
Or by mail to: Tämä sähköpostiosoite on suojattu spamboteilta. Tarvitset JavaScript-tuen nähdäksesi sen.
Published: 22 May 2018